Newsletter European University Sports Association
EUSA Newsletter 05-2024

EUSA Newsletter 05-2024, ISSN 1855-4571

European Universities Games 2028 and 2030 attributed to Split and Granada

Following the conclusion of the bidding process and the official presentation of the candidatures, two editions of the EUSA European Universities Games have been attributed, to Split, Croatia in 2028 and to Granada, Spain in 2030.
The Attribution Ceremony took place at the Auditorium of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

Both the Attribution Ceremony and the previous Executive Committee Meeting on Friday, April 19 were hosted by the Portugal University Sports Federation (FADU) and the University of Aveiro.
The official presentations by the Bidding Committees, following the order drawn during the Executive Committee Meeting, took place also at the Auditorium of the University of Aveiro, on Saturday morning.
These two just-announced editions of the EUGs will be held after this July 2024 edition in Debrecen-Miskolc, Hungary and 2026 summer edition of the European Universities Games in Salerno, Italy.

More information...



EUSA Student Commission full online meeting
05 April 2024

Following the introductory meeting in February, the EUSA Student Commission met online for a full working meeting on Friday, April 5.

Registrations for EUC Rowing 2024 are still open: Don't Miss Out!
10 April 2024

The registrations for this year’s European Universities Championship in Rowing are ongoing, with the first important deadline set to 30th of April. Have you already registered?

SHARE 2.0 Community of Practice on Health starts
11 April 2024

On April 10, key stakeholders forming the SHARE 2.0 Community of Practice (CoP) on Health met online, for the first working meeting of the body.

Additional TD inspection visit for EUG 2024 took place in Debrecen
11 April 2024

On 8th of April, 2024, an additional inspection visit took place in Debrecen for the newly appointed EUSA Technical Delegates and for the ones who could not plan any inspection during the EUSA - EUG24 convention last June.

ESOM webinar on Good governance
12 April 2024

Within the ESOM (Enhancing Sport Organisations and Management) project, co-founded by the European Union, a webinar on the topic of Good Governance and Policy Making was hosted on 11th of April 2024.

EU Sport Forum 2024 held in Liege
17 April 2024

The traditional EU Sport Forum, key annual event supporting dialogue within the European sport community, was held in Liege, Belgium on April 16 and 17, 2024.

Finnish Student Sports Federation celebrates 100th anniversary
18 April 2024

Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) celebrated its centenary 100th anniversary on Saturday, 13 April 2024 with a Gala at Koskenranta Event Centre, in Helsinki.

European summit on Gender Equality and Diversity in sport held in Brussels
19 April 2024

The European Summit on Gender Equality and Diversity in Sport was held in Brussels, on 18 April 2024, organised by the ENGSO member Opes International within the framework of the project Sport and Equality which is co-funded by the European Union.

EUSA Executive Committee meets in Aveiro
19 April 2024

Executive Committee members of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), office staff members and invited delegates met on 19th of April in Aveiro, Portugal.

EAS & EUSA Café: University Sports - From Active Lifestyles to Dual Career webinar
23 April 2024

Within the DiscoverU (Discovering university sport and supporting dual career) project, co-founded by the European Union, a webinar on the topic of Dual Career was hosted on 22nd of April 2024.

100th EUSA Associated Member milestone reached
23 April 2024

We are extremely happy to announce that the great milestone of 100 EUSA Associated Members has been reached!

EUSA-SUSA meeting held in Ljubljana
24 April 2024

On 23rd of April, a working meeting was held between representatives of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA), at EUSA headquarters in Ljubljana.

Save the date: EUSA Convention and EUSA-FISU Seminar 2024
26 April 2024

The European University Sports Association (EUSA) is announcing the dates of the EUSA Convention and EUSA-FISU Seminar and invites you to save the date, marking the events on your calendars and start planning your attendance.

LUSF elects new board for 2024-2028
26 April 2024

New board for the period of 2024 - 2028 of the Latvian University Sports Federation was elected in a hybrid General Assembly, which will continue being led by Ms Agita Abele as she was re-elected on the position of President.

Registrations for EUC Rowing 2024 are extended
29 April 2024

The registration for the European Universities Rowing Championship Ankara 2024 has been extended, and will be open until May 15th.

General Assembly of HUSF held in Budapest
29 April 2024

On Thursday, April 25, the Hungarian University Sports Federation held its General Assembly in the Athens Hall of the Hungarian University of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, in Budapest.

Stay up to date with EUG 2024
30 April 2024

The European Universities Games 2024 are coming in less than 100 days, to be held from 12-24 of July in the two great cities of Debrecen and Miskolc, representing the biggest University sport event this summer!

FISU Section
FISU Section
FISU Winter and Summer University Games 2025: Torino and Rhine-Ruhr
25 April 2024

The 2025 promises to be an exciting year for FISU and the whole global community of university sport, with two major sport events that cannot be missed: the World University Winter Games in Turin (Italy), in January, and the World University Summer Games Rhine-Ruhr (Germany), in July.

EUSA Insider
EUSA Insider
Sophie Puchel

Sophie Puchel
age: 23
athlete, Judo
University of Cologne

Important Dates Coming Up

May 11 -
May 12


International Rowing Regatta St Duje
Split, Croatia

May 16 -
May 19


SELL Games 2024
Kaunas, Lithuania

May 22 -
May 23


EUG2024 NUSA Coordination Meeting
Debrecen-Miskolc, Hungary

July 12-

July 24

European Universities Games 2024
Debrecen - Miskolc, Hungary

August 29-

September 1

European Universities Rowing Championship 2024
Ankara, Türkiye

What's up! - Student Column
What's up! - Student Column

Navigating Motivation - guide for university and work life

whatsup-may In this month’s What’s up student Column our EUSA Student Commission Chair, Ms Klea Taipllari elaborates on the topic of how to navigate and guide motivation in university and work life.

Motivation is the fuel that propels individuals through their academic and professional endeavors, shaping their paths towards success. Whether you're navigating the halls of academia or delving into the complexities of the professional world, maintaining motivation is key to achieving your goals. However, staying motivated can be challenging, especially when faced with the myriad of pressures and distractions that come with university and work life. Here, I had to explore strategies to foster and sustain motivation during both university and work times.

Understanding Motivation: Motivation is a multifaceted concept influenced by internal and external factors. Intrinsic motivation, driven by personal enjoyment and interest, often fuels long-term commitment and satisfaction. Conversely, extrinsic motivation stems from external rewards or pressures, such as grades or promotions, and while effective in the short term, may not sustain enthusiasm over time.

University Life:

1. Set Clear Goals: I defined clear, achievable goals for each semester or academic year. Broke them down into smaller milestones to track progress and celebrated achievements along the way.

2. Cultivated Curiosity: I engaged with your coursework beyond the syllabus. I explored topics that piqued my interest, attended seminars, and participate in discussions to deepen my understanding and foster a genuine passion for learning. Being part of big groups with similar interests and similar goals made me want even more information about becoming better and achieve success.

3. Established a Routine: I created a structured schedule that balanced academic responsibilities with leisure activities and self-care. Consistency fostered my productivity and minimized procrastination. Having a routine made me more disciplined and organized my ideas to achieve my goals.

4. I Seeked Support: I built a support network of peers, mentors, and academic advisors who could offer guidance, encouragement, and perspective during challenging times. The persons who have the right characteristics, can give you a lot of support mentally, orient you to the right path and make your vision clear of what you want to achieve in life.

Work Life:

1.I Found Meaning: I identified the aspects of my work that resonated with my values and interests. Understanding the broader purpose behind my tasks instilled a sense of meaning and fulfillment. Doing the things you do best, and actually loving your job, can make you very productive and that leads to better performance in your work.

2.I Embraced Challenges: I viewed setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. I embrace the learning curve, seeked feedback, and approached obstacles with a growth mindset. It is not always easy, but challenges make you learn a lot.

3.I Fostered Collaboration: I collaborated with colleagues, shared ideas, and leveraged collective strengths to tackle complex projects. Building positive relationships fosters a supportive and dynamic work environment.

4.I Prioritized Well-being: Maintained a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries, taking regular breaks, and engaging in activities that promoted physical and mental well-being. Recognized the importance of rest and recharge to sustain long-term motivation.

Maintained a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries, taking regular breaks, and engaging in activities that promoted physical and mental well-being. Recognized the importance of rest and recharge to sustain long-term motivation.

Overcoming Motivational Slumps:

Despite our best efforts, motivational slumps are inevitable. During these times:
- *Reflect*: Take time to reflect on your goals, values, and priorities. Reconnect with your intrinsic motivations and adjust your approach if necessary.
- *Break Tasks Down*: Break daunting tasks into smaller, manageable steps to alleviate feelings of overwhelm and boost momentum.
- *Celebrate Progress*: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest victories to stay motivated and maintain momentum.
- *Seek Inspiration*: Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it's through literature, podcasts, or conversations with mentors and peers.

Navigating motivation during university and work times requires intentionality, resilience, and adaptability. By understanding the drivers of motivation and implementing strategies to cultivate and sustain it, individuals can overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and thrive in both academic and professional spheres. Remember, motivation is not a constant state but rather a dynamic process that evolves with time and experience. Embrace the journey, stay committed to your aspirations, and trust in your ability to persevere.

The author of this article Klea Taipllari is a Student Representative in the Executive Board in EUSA, Chair of the Student Commission and Secretary General of the Albanian University Sports Federation. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the University College of Business, Faculty of Economics. Currently she is in her 2nd year, pursuing a Master Degree in Marketing Management.

Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact to offer a piece or propose a topic.



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Published by:
European University Sports Association (EUSA)
Office: Tomšičeva ulica 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Realisation/Main editor: Andrej Pišl
tel: +386 1 256 0056, web:
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EUSA European University Sports Association  Member of the International University Sport Federation (FISU)

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